Rob Crimmins

Writer (, commercial building restoration consultant (, skydiver, video and pho tographer, engineer
deviation spiral over Chris Derbak

NTSB Witness


NTSB is an email address to send messages to the National Transportation Safety Board on their investigations. I wrote to them on August 9, 2024 about the Special Investigation Report SIR-08/01 and about the accident on Mokuleia, Hawaii on June 21, 2019.

My experience at Skydive Chesapeake is quite like the operation in Hawaii, however the behavior of the United States Parachute Association should be of note to NTSB. In their response to the SIR Report of 2008 the USPA told them, in 2011, that Aircraft Operations Manuals and Pilot Training Syllabus had been written. I recently found out that the USPA has done nothing to see that those are used.

Less the illustrations, the following was sent to NTSB:

I.Avid Skydiver

I have been an avid skydiver, off and on, since 1975. I am a D License holder with the United States Parachute Association. In 2020 I helped the managers of Skydive Delmarva in Laurel, Delaware move too Gooden Airpark in Ridgely, Maryland. The owner, John Gooden went to high school with my son.

I decided to get my instructors rating with that new drop zone, Skydive Chesapeake. It was managed by Ben Harris and Chris Derbak.

II. Safety Issues at Skydive Chesapeake

A. Lost Control of Piper Navaho

Unsafe activities occurred there after it opened in 2020. On December 11, 2020, they leased a Piper PA31-310 Navajo (N6719L). The pilot was not trained on it and on the first jump he lost control of the airplane. He immediately regained control but it was disturbing.

First Group of Skydivers to Jump From Skydive Chesapeake's Navajo
First Group of Skydivers to Jump From Skydive Chesapeake's Navajo

B. Violation of Seat Belts regulations, FAR § 91.107

They operated that airplane in 2021 and flew it repeatedly without enough seat belts for each jumper. On February 25, 2021, a video depicts this. Derbak was one of the people who made that jump. He is sitting in the copilot’s chair!

Shortly after that I was on that plane when another skydiver, who has considerable experience as a jump pilot, warned him (the same one who last control in February) that if he was flying with one engine out, with an overloaded plane that he would have a distinct problem. The pilot was scared. As I said, he didn't have training and I didn’t have a seat belt.

Skydive Chesapeake Navajo pilot
Skydive Chesapeake Navajo pilot

That weekend, I wrote to both operators of the drop zone to inform them of the pilot and all the other questionable activities.

III. Kicked Out of Skydive Chesapeake

A. No USPA support

One week later I was suspended from the drop zone. At the meeting when I was suspended from the drop zone, I was told by Harris that Ron Bell, the USPA Safety Director, had been given my letter. My perspective on it couldn’t have come from Harris, so I wrote to Mr. Bell to explain it.

Bell was sick with Covid 19, so my letter was sent to the Eastern Region Director, Shauna Finley. Harris never did send my letter to Bell. Finley and Bell knew what happened with the FAR violations and the other items but never did anything about it. This was a few months after Harris signed a Group Membership pledge to honor FAR Regulations.

My suspension lasted a month. When Harris knew that the USPA was informed he permanently banned me from the drop zone.

IV. Special Investigation Report SIR-08/01

What’s happening at Skydive Chesapeake is exactly what happened on Mokuleia, Hawaii on June 21, 2019. That pilot was untrained. That aircraft was not airworthy for its mission.

In their report by the NTSB in 2008, there were 12 Recommendations. Many of them had to do with aircraft maintenance guidance packets and pilot training. In 2011, the USPA, in response to the Report, wrote a Flight Operations Handbook template and Jump Pilot Training Syllabus template for drop zones to use to make their operations safer. However, the USPA never did anything to make those templates effective.

I know this because, in February of 2024 I wrote to the current USPA Eastern Region Director, Dave Grabowski, of what drop zones in his region have aircraft operations manuals and new and current pilot training, according to the USPA 2011 templates. After thirteen years it isn’t known by the USPA if any drop zones are using them. Grabowski’s answer to my question was that those documents are “private information”. He and the USPA have no knowledge who has those items and who is using them.

According to what happened to the Oahu Parachute Center in 2019 and what I know of Skydive Chesapeake, neither of those drop zones are using them. Both have had deaths.


I decided to write a blog. It’s at The name derives from what happened on the January 1986 accident of the Space Shuttle Challenger. NASA deviated from safety and the USPA and their drop zones are doing it as well.

However, its worse for the USPA. They never actually had safety methods to be deviated from. Templates were written by the USPA in 2011, but they aren’t used today. In their final report in 2008 the NTSB was satisfied, but those templates aren’t used. If they were, and if they were part of Safety Management System plan, the USPA and every jumper would know about it.

Jim Couch wrote an article in the USPA’s magazine in 2020. It highlights a crash in 1995 that is an exact example of “Normalization of Deviance” as NASA identifies it. A pilot, ten skydivers and a person on the ground were killed in that September 10, 1995, accident.

VI. Other Noncompliance

A. Advisory Circular AC 105-2E

In 1998 an Evaluation of Improved Restraint Systems for Sport Parachutes by the FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute and the Parachute Industries Association was produced. It has been in the Advisory Circular since 2011. The USPA has never done anything to implement this on any drop zone.

The Sullivan, Missouri Crash Report on July 29, 2006 and the Crash Injury report illustrates how bad restraints kill people and make them quad and paraplegics. The analyses showed that the peak deceleration on that flight was between 6.6 G and 19.7 G’s. These ranges fall within survivable limits according to the report but not from a single point and suspended like a fish on a hook. That’s what most parachutists have during such a crash.

Sullivan MI report figures 4 and 5
Figures 4 and 5 from July 29 2006 Sullivan Missouri accident report

B. No SMS, Safety Management System

The USPA has a page on their web site that discusses Safety Management System. In my blog I proposed a safety plan to solve this. It’s in the article in, Proposal for Reform.

I went to the USPA Board Meeting where I proposed that plan. Michael Wadkins, Chair of the Safety Committee, asked me what USPA documents I would change if that were to happen. I did that in August of 2022 and received no response.

USPA has said that a SMS plan should be in drop zones, but they have done nothing to do that. It’s the same with Aircraft Operations Plan’s, restraint systems and pilot training.

VII. Safety and Training Advisors, S&TA’s

USPA has a S&TA at every drop zone and they are usually paid by the owner. At Skydive Chesapeake there are two S&TA’s, the first jump instructor and Harris. Both receive most of their income from the drop zone. There are extreme conflicts of interest there.

VIII. USPA Directors Come and Go

The person who responded to the NTSB’s Special Investigation Report SIR-08/01 in 2008 isn’t the current director. The directors who were there at that time put together an operations plan and something that could serve to verify pilot’s training. All they are now, is templates and no one at the USPA is interested in solving the problems in the 2008 report. If the NTSB or the FAA or Congress expects anything to happen for restraints, aircraft operations or pilot training, or a SMS program, it won’t have the USPA, as it currently exists to do anything about it

IX. Laura Olson’s Death

It’s only been four years and Skydive Chesapeake has already had a death. The person only had three jumps, and she was supervised on that jump, and trained, by one of those S&TA’s. I wasn’t there, but I’m sure that what happened to her is partially an aspect of the safety culture there, which doesn’t exist. I’m also sure that if the USPA had more to with the drop zones and an actual SMS plans, the NTSB would be satisfied.



NTSB Witness Read More »

deviation spiral over Chris Derbak

Skydive Chesapeake Is Deviant. The USPA Is Much Worse.


Skydive Chesapeake Is Deviant. The USPA Is Much Worse.

I began this blog referring to a phrase called “Normalization of Deviance”. That was a phrase that was NASA's flaw in the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident. This graphic illustrates it:

Normalization of Deviation Spiral
Normalization of Deviation Spiral

When I was jumping there, Skydive Chesapeake has many examples of this deviant behavior. They’ve gone through many “normal”, with untrained pilots, bad spotting, seat belt violations and others. The article that I originally sighted was from USPA Training Advisor, Jim Crouch, and it talked about an incident in 1995 when 12 people were killed. Their Queen Air lost power and crashed and the NTSB found many examples of the kinds of things that are Normalization of Deviance. They’ve been found in many skydiving accidents involving aircraft.

The United States Parachute Association isn't deviant. Their behavior has never wavered from what is normal.

On February 1st, 2024 I emailed Dave Grabowski, the Eastern Region USPA Director, with this request. “I’m interested in all drop zones in the Eastern Region that have current Flight Operations Handbooks and USPA Aircraft Status Forms. Please provide those to me. Thank you.”

Dave’s response verified what I knew. He said, “I don't have the info you are looking for, and even if I did, it's not my or USPA's place to provide what are essentially private business documents to a third party.”

Sixteen years before my communication with Grabowski, the National Transportation Safety Board issued a report, Special Investigation Report SIR-08/01 . It listed skydiving deaths as a result of aircraft crashes. It said that, “Since 1980, 32 accidents involving parachute operations aircraft have killed 172 people, most of whom were parachutists.”

The USPA responded to the report and said that they would put together a document about aircraft safety operations. They also had a document of pilot safety training. The Special Investigation was an NTSB product but the FAA responded by saying, in 2011, that “Your manual will help parachutists perform more safely.”

The USPA's response in 2011 didn’t have the effect that the NTSB sought on Skydive Chesapeake or to the Oahu Parachute Center. On June 21, 2019 a King Air crashed there killing 11 people. That is reported on in Oahu Parachute Center accident investigation. Three of them were not skydivers, just tourists seeking tandem jumps.

Bryan and Ashley Weikel  on their 1st anniversary (KKTV News11 (Colorada Springs, CO)

What happened on June 21, 2019 at Dillingham Airfield (HDH), Mokuleia, Hawaii was exactly like what the NTSB reported on in 2008. Jim Crouch warned about and its occuring at Skydive Chesapeake and other drop zones today.

The FAA said that the USPA's Operation's Manual and it Pilot Training Guidance would enhance skydiving safety but that assumes that those documents would be used. It is not. The USPA has no knowledge of any drop zone using them. According to Gabowski those are, "private business documents".

In their report, the NTSB said the Oahu Parachute Center operator had 18,000 tandem jumps but, “no previous experience running a parachute operation.” He also didn’t have the integrity to operate a safe drop zone. I mentioned this at Safety Day in 2024. Ben Harris, Skydive Chesapeake's operator, does not have the integrity to operate a Safety Culture. That got me physically removed from the event.

Many people who were at the event that day know what Harris did me. It's in my original post , "Deviance at Skydive Chesapeake". His character counters safety.

The NTSB Report from Hawaii stated that the OPC did not have a training curriculum or company training manuals for OPC pilots. A former OPC pilot, who was not a flight instructor but provided training to multiple OPC pilots (not including the accident pilot), stated that the company did not provide him with direction for training except to teach new pilots to start the engines, taxi, take off, fly the jump run, and land the airplane, after which the pilots would be “good to go.” The former pilot also stated that “there was no money to take the airplane off the line” for training and that training consisted of “a couple of jump runs.” The former pilot further stated that most of the company’s training involved viewing King Air Academy videos on YouTube instead of hands-on training.

Another former OPC pilot stated that the company’s King Air training “was a joke.” This former pilot also stated that his training on the airplane was “minimal” and that his instructor advised, at the completion of training, “not to get uncoordinated.”

The airplane was not airworthy. The pilot was not trained. No aircraft operational assignment existed.

I was banned from jumping at Skydive Chesapeake after citing safety violations. They included not having enough seat belts in the Piper Navajo, N6719L. (This is a violation of CFR § 91.107) Welding going on in the packing area, no ground Support Personnel at boarding and poor pilot training, among others.

The 2008 NTSB Report was repeatedly cited in the Report of what happened at Oahu. Many of the things that happened between 1980 and 2008 were repeated at the field in Hawaii. The operational plans and the pilot training mission that the USPA specified after 2008 did nothing at Hawaii and nothing at Skydive Chesapeake.

When they published their report, the NTSB thought the USPA would do something, and they did. They published a template, the “Skydiving Aircraft OPERATIONS MANUAL”. In 2011 the FAA said it will positively effect how,  “parachutists perform more safely”. According to Grabowski, there is no info on who in the Eastern Region has an operational plan or who is training their pilots. They don’t want fellow skydivers to have these documents because, “it's not my or USPA's place to provide what are essentially private business documents to a third party.”

Why is that true? The current USPA “Group Membership Manual” asks if there is Skydiving Aircraft OPERATIONS MANUAL for the drop zone, but according to Grabowski, he doesn’t know which drop zone’s have it. It also asks if there is an initial and recurrent training for jump pilots at the drop zone? According to Grabowski that’s private information and not available. He doesn’t know it. If there was an Operations Manual, and it was followed, what happened in Hawaii wouldn’t have happened. Bryan and Ashley would be alive.

Many of the things that happened in Mokuleia, Hawaii are present at Gooden Field in Ridgely, MD, (Skydive Chesapeake). I attended Skydive Chesapeake’s Safety Day on March 23, 2024 and was told by the Drop Zone owner that he does have a Operation’s Manual, because of insurance requirements. It’s not available to any of his customer’s. Why is that? If he had a safety plan his customer’s should know about it. Maybe he has first time and recurrent pilot training. That would be another aspect of his operation that his customers should know.

In my original posts from 2021, Deviance at Skydive Chesapeake and Much is Awry in Ridgely it can be seen how far that drop zone is from where it should be.

In that original post I referred to a welding operation in the packing area. That was quite bizarre. There wasn’t a lease so the owner could do whatever he wanted.

Not having enough seat belts in Navajo, N6719L happened repeatedly. Loadmasters and jumpmasters don’t exist then and they probably still don’t exist now and it’s because the Safety and Training Advisor (S&TA) is the drop zone owner!

The USPA accepts this despite saying that operating without enough seat belts is breaking the law. Evidence of this is at Ten Jumpers in an airplane configured for eight. Ron Bell, USPAs Director of Safety and Training went to Skydive Chesapeake a week after I was suspended from the drop zone in March of 2020. He was told about the lack of seat belts and he should have established that it happened. There was nothing done about it.

Operations Manuals are “private information” according to the USPA. Nobody knows if any drop zone Operations are acceptable. The kind of training done for pilots at the Oahu Parachute Center was nothing, and this was many years after the USPA wrote Operations Manuals for their drop zones.

This isn't the only thing where USPA has done nothing. The Federal Aviation Administration’s Civil Aeromedical Institute, the Parachute Industries Association, and the USPA has known, since 1998, that restraint systems for parachutists are inadequate. Read the Sullivan, Missouri Crash Report and for those with strong stomachs, the Sullivan, Missouri Injury Report will shock you. Since 2011 Advisory Circular 105-2D clearly stated how to make it safer. I don’t think that any drop zone in the world has done it.

Furthermore, the USPA has established that Safety Management System (SMS) should be at drop zones. Nothing is happening about this either.

I made a proposal to the USPA in their board meeting in 2022. It recommended a safety proposal for drop zones with a Safety Committee just like in the SMS system. That’s in my post Proposal for Reform. The plan that I proposed would not put anyone on that board that receives an income from the drop zone. The safety personnel at the Oahu Parachute Center, if there was one, was the drop zone owner, just like Skydive Chesapeake.

My proposal calls for two types of Group Memberships. One type does have members on the committee who receive income from the drop zone. Skydive Chicago would be potentially a “Legacy Group Member”. They would provide most or all of the functions and services called for in USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook with paid staff members. The other type would be “Safety Committee Group Member”. They have qualified volunteers who form drop zone Safety Committee to provide some of the functions and services called for. In those drop zones the Committee’s do not receive income.

Skydive Chesapeake and the Oahu Parachute Center would be Safety Committee Members. Of course, no drop zone would have to be either. They could choose just not to have an SMS system. I wouldn’t want to jump at a drop with no safety system.

That’s another thing I’ve heard from Graboski and other USPA directors. USPA “C” and “D” license holders don’t want to get involved in dealing with safety on their drop zones. Maybe that is true but what about the others? Bryan and Ashley Weikel would have wanted to know. Every drop zone should tell their customers their safety system. They should admit to that and have the credentials to prove it. If they don’t, they should admit to that to. That is where the USPA should get involved. The  USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook should be open to the public.

On July 10, 2022 Laura Olson was killed in a skydive at Skydive Chesapeake. She had three jumps. An Incident Report says the accident was recorded in August of 2023. That too is little weird being thirteen months after the event. The incident says that the weather was good with a five mile-an-hour wind and that Olson landed in trees and fell out of them. The fall from the trees caused a fatal injury.

I was kicked out of the drop zone just before Safety Day on 2020 because I brought safety issues up. At that time a lot of the jumpers were landing off the drop zone for bad spots. I made a map with all roads identified so that my wife and I could retrieve jumpers that landed outside the drop zone. It happened nearly every day.

In that map, it can be seen that there are no trees, except in the east and southeast. Olson’s jump was in a 5 mph wind so the spot was close to the landing area. If the wind wasn’t out of the east or southeast there were no trees over the spot. The spot might have been bad, and if so, that is why she landed in trees.

Because of the bad spots and because the pilots aren’t trained that should be looked at. They were jumping a Caravan at 13,500 feet. Did other jumpers know the spot was wrong? If it was wrong, that should be called to attention. Both S&TA’s at Skydive Chesapeake make all their money from the drop zone and it isn’t too much. The drop zone owner is one of the S&TAs at the drop zone. The other S&TA was Mrs. Olson instructor on that skydive.

I think the USPA and drop zones run like Skydive Chesapeake and the Oahu Parachute Center are doomed. The NTSB and Congress have their reports. Poor newlyweds are killed. If the drop zones don’t take the steps, like valid SMS System, and if skydivers don’t make it happen, our sport won’t survive, unless you want to go to The Mid-East.

The fault there is with the USPA. Drop zone owners have very conflicted interests. The Oahu Parachute Center was sealed from the start. The practices that owner undertook were awful. A viable SMS system is called for where somebody outside profit is needed. The current USPA system does not have it.

Skydive Chesapeake Is Deviant. The USPA Is Much Worse. Read More »

Oahu Parachute Center accident victims

Recommendations and Advice

"Houston Fredericksburg, we have a problem."

Recognizing and resisting the “Normalization of Deviance” is the theme of this blog. It happens in organizations as small as single airplane skydiving operations to those as vast as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Even agencies and organizations tasked with making aviation and sport parachuting safe are susceptible to it.

The investigations of fatal aviation accidents provide multiple examples of how the normalization of unsafe practices play a role in the loss of life. They can also reveal how those who accept the responsibility to investigate those accidents and suggest or devise ways to prevent accidents in the future can themselves fall short.

Oahu Parachute Center Accident, June 21, 2019

The accident in Hawaii on June 21, 2019 when ten skydivers and the pilot were killed and most, if not all tragedies of its type, demonstrate deficiencies that exist up and down the chain, from the operators, to the investigators and finally with those who seek to formulate the remedies.

The National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) investigation of the events at the Oahu Parachute Center (OPC), which was published in January of 2021, found numerous conditions that contributed to the accident.

Bryan and Ashley Weike. Among the fatalities of the June 21, 2019 accident in Hawaii.
Accident Victims Bryan and Ashley Weike

NTSB Conclusions About the Accident

In Section 3, “Conclusions” of the Accident Report, the NTSB found that:

1. After making an intersection takeoff, the pilot conducted an intentional aggressive takeoff maneuver involving a low-altitude high-bank turn and simultaneous pitch-up maneuver.

2. The airplane was likely operated near or possibly beyond the aft center of gravity limit during the accident takeoff.

3. The pilot’s aggressive takeoff maneuver caused an accelerated stall and a subsequent loss of control at an altitude from which recovery was not possible.

4. The twisted left wing that resulted from the airplane’s previous accident reduced the airplane’s stall margin, which likely caused the left wing to stall before the right wing and precipitated the airplane’s roll to the left.

5. The pilot’s initial training did not provide him with adequate experience and proficiency for Beech King Air operations.

6. By indicating that the accident pilot completed dual commercial flight instruction that he likely did not receive and by not providing initial training according to established standards, the pilot’s flight instructor showed a lack of professionalism and a disregard for aviation safety.

7. The Beech King Air 65-A90 flight training that Oahu Parachute Center provided to new company pilots was insufficient and did not ensure that the accident pilot, who lacked training and experience in the airplane make and model, was prepared for the company’s parachute jump operations, which included the operation of the airplane near its aft center of gravity limit.

8. The accident airplane was not airworthy because (1) it had not been properly repaired after the previous accident and (2) Oahu Parachute Center and its contract mechanic did not maintain the airplane in an airworthy condition.

9. The airplane’s maintenance records were not kept in a manner that was consistent with the requirements of pertinent federal regulations.

10. Oahu Parachute Center’s failure to address a safety hazard involving the airplane used for the company’s parachute jump operations, inconsistencies with applicable federal regulations, lack of standard operating procedures and structured pilot training, and flawed method for calculating the airplane’s center of gravity demonstrated the company’s inadequate safety management.

11. The tandem instructor’s and the camera operator’s use of marijuana before the accident flight demonstrated their lack of judgment and professionalism given their safety responsibilities for the accident flight.

12. Even though Federal Aviation Administration inspectors accomplished the inspections of Oahu Parachute Center that the agency required, those inspections were insufficient for ensuring the safety of this commercial passenger-carrying operation.

The Board concluded that the probable cause of the accident was:

. . . the pilot’s aggressive takeoff maneuver, which resulted in an accelerated stall and subsequent loss of control at an altitude that was too low for recovery. Contributing to the accident were (1) the operation of the airplane near its aft center of gravity limit and the pilot’s lack of training and experience with the handling qualities of the airplane in this flight regime; (2) the failure of Oahu Parachute Center and its contract mechanic to maintain the airplane in an airworthy condition and to detect and repair the airplane’s twisted left wing, which reduced the airplane’s stall margin; and (3) the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) insufficient regulatory framework for overseeing parachute jump operations. Contributing to the pilot’s training deficiencies was the FAA’s lack of awareness that the pilot’s flight instructor was providing substandard training.

Larry Lemaster
June 21, 2019 Oahu Parachute Center accident victim Larry Lemaster

Special Investigation Report SIR-08/01

In 2008, nearly thirteen years prior to the publication of the report on the crash in Hawaii, the NTSB published a landmark Special Investigation Report, number SIR-08/01. That report was the first summary of accidents involving skydiving operators. It looked at 32 accidents since 1980 that killed 172 people, most of whom were jumpers.

By the numbers, the salient points are:

  • 12 of the 32 accident airplanes were loaded beyond their maximum gross weight. Nine of those aircraft were loaded outside their cg limits.
  • 11 of the 32 accident airplanes lost engine power shortly after takeoff
  • 10 of the 32 accident airplanes stalled and/or experienced loss of control
  • 8 of the 32 accident airplanes were not airworthy at the time they were dispatched.
  • 4 of the 32 accident airplanes were powered by engines that were operated beyond their manufacturers’ recommended TBOs
  • Most accident airplanes had maintenance or fuel quality deficiencies
  • In nearly all of the 32 accidents reviewed the pilots were deficient in basic airmanship tasks.
  • 16 of the 32 fatal parachute operations accidents occurred after the FAA issued inspection “requirements” in Notice 1800.134. These 16 accidents claimed the lives of 77 people.

Common Factors

The contributing factors for the event in 2019 in Hawaii were broadly the same as those in the accidents between 1980 and 2008. In the press conference following that tragedy, NTSB board member, Jennifer Homendy said the crash was one of eighty since 2008 involving aircraft that were engaged in skydiving operations. Those accidents took nineteen lives and again, most, if not all of those events involved many of the same contributing factors as those reported in 2008.

Obviously, 2008 is a departure point to the NTSB. At that time they made recommendations that they hoped would make flights made for the purpose of skydiving safer. Summarizing the accidents after 2008 into another report won’t be complete if it doesn’t look into why the actions taken in response to the recommendations of the first report were ineffective.

The NTSB investigators are skilled professionals with considerable resources. The report dockets include anything that anyone wants to submit so it’s safe to assume that their report, along with all the other published submissions, is pretty much the whole story of the accident. That’s not to say that their efforts are perfect. Obviously, they are not.

Conceivably, the FAA could have prevented all these accidents, but not without a much more vast and unacceptably more expensive bureaucracy.

In all single vehicle automotive accidents the fault lies primarily with the operator of the vehicle and with those most directly associated with that vehicle’s operation and maintenance. Therefor most of the blame lies with the pilot and most of the time he’s among those who pays the ultimate price, so this won’t be so much about him, or her. It’s intended for individuals other than the pilot, who are available after the crash, and the organization who could help prevent accidents in the future, namely the drop zone operators, the United States Parachute Association and the jumpers that weren’t killed.

How the System Is Intended to Work

The current system isn’t working for skydiving so a description of how that system functions comes first.

From their investigation the NTSB draws conclusions about why each transportation accident happens and makes recommendations for how to prevent them. For skydiving operations, their recommendations are made to either the FAA or the USPA. The NTSB then tracks what’s done about the recommendations in a database. It’s called CAROL , Case Analysis and Reporting Online. The NTSB’s Special Investigation Report from 2008, number SIR-08/01, resulted in Recommendations A-08-63 through A-08-074.

Although the records in their database doesn't include a comparable field, the twelve recommendations fell into four categories: Aircraft Airworthiness, Piloting, Surveillance (by the FAA) and Restraints (seat belts).The status for each of the recommendations follows:

Number: A-08-063 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 12/12/2014 Status: UNACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Airworthiness, RECOMMENDATION: To the FAA - Require parachute jump operators to develop and implement Federal Aviation Administration-approved aircraft maintenance and inspection programs STATUS JUSTIFICATION: The Official Correspondence between the NTSB and the FAA consisted of seven messages from January 15, 2009 until December 12, 2014. The FAA’s final response, dated October 28, 2013, read, “. . . we cannot legally require an owner/operator to unilaterally adopt manufacturers’ recommended maintenance instructions. However, we encourage operators to voluntarily review and incorporate such instructions. Nevertheless, we maintain that the requirements of sections 91.403 and 91.409, along with the guidance provided by the United States Parachute Association, satisfy the safety concerns identified in this recommendation.” In their final Official Correspondence the NTSB noted that the “manufacturers recommended instructions” is not the only method by which an acceptable maintenance program could be established. The NTSB also pointed out the FAA did impose additional FAR Part 91 requirements for Fractional Ownership Operations Part 91 Subpart K published in 2003). That subpart was far more complicated and extensive than what would be needed for skydiving.
Number: A-08-064 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 05/23/2013 Status: ACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Airworthiness, RECOMMENDATION: To the FAA - Develop and distribute guidance materials, in conjunction with the United States Parachute Association, for parachute jump operators to assist operators in implementing effective aircraft inspection and maintenance quality assurance programs. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: The USPA (1) developed and distributed to all Group Member Drop Zone operators an aircraft maintenance guidance packet, clarifying which FAA regulations apply to jump plane operators and explaining the inspection and maintenance options available, (2) amended its Basic Safety Requirements to verify that all aircraft used for parachute operations comply with the commercial maintenance requirements described in FAR Part 91.409 (a) through (f), and (3) verified that all its member operators are complying with the amended requirements.
Number: A-08-065 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 6/16/2011 Status: UNACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Piloting, RECOMMENDATION: To the FAA - Require parachute jump operators to develop initial and recurrent pilot training programs that address, at a minimum, operation- and air craft-specific weight and balance calculations, preflight inspections, emergency and recovery procedures, and parachutist egress procedures for each type of aircraft flown. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: From their first Official Correspondence dated March 12, 2009 the FAA contended that no additional requirements were needed to ensure the proficiency of jump pilots. The final “Official Correspondence” dated March 8, 2011 from the FAA to the NTSB stated that there was no evidence that jump pilots lacked necessary skills, only that those skills weren’t demonstrated. AC 105-2D, "Sport Parachuting", was pending at the time of this correspondence. The March, 2011 Correspondence was from J. Randolph Babbitt, FAA. Mr Babbitt stated the FAA’s final position. Mr Babbitt wrote, “This AC will bring a higher awareness of the typical and avoidable accidents that involve jump aircraft. The revised AC will not only make the jump pilots and drop zone operators more aware, but also the parachutists who board their aircraft. I will provide the Board with a copy of AC 105-2D when it is published. At that time, I will consider Safety Recommendations A-08-65 and -66 closed.”
Number: A-08-066 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 07/23/2015 Status: UNACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Piloting, RECOMMENDATION: To the FAA - Require initial and recurrent pilot testing programs for parachute jump operations pilots that address, at a minimum, operation- and aircraft-specific weight and balance calculations, preflight inspections, emergency and recovery procedures, and parachutist egress procedures for each type of aircraft flown, as well as competency flight checks to determine pilot competence in practical skills and techniques in each type of aircraft. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: The supporting Official Correspondence for this recommendation are the same as A-08-065
Number: A-08-067 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 07/23/2015 Status: ACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Piloting, RECOMMENDATION: To The FAA - Revise the guidance materials contained in Advisory Circular 105-2C, "Sport Parachute Jumping", to include guidance for parachute jump operators in implementing effective initial and recurrent pilot training and examination programs that address, at a minimum, operation- and aircraft-specific weight and balance calculations, preflight inspections, emergency procedures, and parachutist egress procedures. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: AC 105-2C was issued in 1991. AC 105-2B, dated August 21, 1989, was not distributed. The original Advisory Circular for Sport Parachuting, 105-2 was released in 1968.
AC 105-2D is dated May 18, 2011.
The current AC for Sport Parachuting, AC 105-2E , is dated December 4, 2013. Section 8.b in that AC includes the revisions called for in the Recommendation. In the FAA’s Official Correspondence to the NTSB dated October 9, 2010 it’s stated that, “USPA agrees with the FAA that current regulatory requirements for inspection and maintenance must be better communicated and disseminated. USPA will educate aircraft owners, pilots, and DZ operators by using the association’s monthly magazine, email, and website, as stated in their response to this safety recommendation (enclosed).”
Number: A-08-068 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 07/18/2012 Status: ACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Surveillance, RECOMMENDATION: Require direct surveillance of parachute jump operators to include, at a minimum, maintenance and operations inspections. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: Order 8900.1, “Flight Standards Information Management System,” Volume 6, Chapter 11, Section 5, was revised on August 1, 2011, to include maintenance and operation inspections, aircraft configuration authorization, flight manual supplements, placards, operational waivers, pilot certification and training, and parachute airworthiness. Order 1800.56, “National Flight Standards Work Program Guidelines,” was revised on July 21, 2011, to include surveillance of any parachute operation aircraft under Part 91 conducting parachute operations in accordance with Part 105. We note that an Aviation Safety Inspector must choose at least 1 airworthiness inspection and 1 operations inspection from a list of 10 inspection types (for example, 1 maintenance spot inspection and 1 operations ramp inspection). These revisions satisfy the intent of the Safety Recommendation.
Number: A-08-069 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 10/19/2011 Status: EXCEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION
TOPIC: Airworthiness, RECOMMENDATION: To the USPA - Work with the Federal Aviation Administration to develop and distribute guidance materials for parachute jump operators to assist operators in implementing effective aircraft inspection and maintenance quality assurance programs STATUS JUSTIFICATION: By developing and distributing an “aircraft maintenance guidance packet” to all group member drop zone operators the NTSB deemed the USPA’s actions to be “outstanding” and to have exceeded the recommended action.
A-08-070 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 02/13/2012 Status: EXCEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION
TOPIC: Piloting, RECOMMENDATION: To the USPA - Once AC 105-2C, "Sport Parachute Jumping", has been revised to include guidance for parachute jump operators in implementing effective initial and recurrent pilot training and examination programs that address, at a minimum, operation- and aircraft-specific weight and balance calculations, preflight inspections, emergency procedures, and parachutist egress procedures, distribute this revised AC to your members and encourage adherence to its guidance. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: Publication of FAA AC 105-2D served to meet this NTSB Recommendation. USPA subsequently distributed the revised AC to its members (via e-mail) and published two articles in the USPA monthly magazine Parachutist to encourage jump aircraft operators to adhere to the new AC guidance. Consequently, Safety Recommendation A-08-070 was classified “Closed—Acceptable Action” on October 19, 2011. In their Official Correspondence dated February 13, 2012 the NTSB wrote, “We note that the USPA has also urged operators to enhance their jump pilot training regimen and has developed and included in the 2011 USPA Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the Jump Pilot Training Syllabus additional guidance on pilot training and proficiency. We believe that these additional actions are responsive and go beyond the scope of Safety Recommendation A-08-70.” Accordingly, the recommendation is reclassified CLOSED—EXCEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION.
Numbers: A-08-071 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 3/6/2012 for A-08-071 and -072 and 10/19/2011 for A-08-073 Status: ACCEPTABLE ACTION (for all three)
TOPIC: Restraints, RECOMMENDATION: A-08-071 and A-08-073 recommended that the FAA and the USPA conduct research to determine the most effective dual-point restraint systems for parachutists that reflects the various aircraft and seating configurations used in parachute operations. A-08-072 and A-08-074 recommended that Advisory Circular 105-2C be revised to include guidance information on installing and using the new restraint system. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: FAA’s Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) in Oklahoma City, analyzed the results of sled tests of restraints used in various aircraft configurations. The USPA summarized the information contained in AC 105-2D regarding the seats and restraint systems recommended for parachutists and included this information in multiple USPA publications. They encouraged operators and skydivers to follow best-practice guidance for the use of restraints in skydiving aircraft. As a result of the USPA’s actions, Safety Recommendations A-08-73 and -74 were classified “Closed—Acceptable Action” on October 19, 2011.
Number: A-08-074 Date Issued: 09/25/2008 Date Closed: 2/13/2012 Status: ACCEPTABLE ACTION
TOPIC: Restraints, RECOMMENDATION: Once an effective restraint system is determined, educate USPA members on its use. STATUS JUSTIFICATION: The USPA also featured two articles in Parachutist on AC 105-2D which encouraged operators and skydivers to follow best-practice guidance for the use of restraints in skydiving aircraft. These actions were sufficient for the NTSB to classify the Recommendation “CLOSED—ACCEPTABLE ACTION”.

The Special Investigation Report (SIR-08/01) included an Introduction, an Appendix and these other sections:

  • Background
  • Maintenance Issues (Airworthiness)
  • Pilot Training and Proficiency Issues (Piloting)
  • FAA Oversight and Surveillance Issues (Surveillance)
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Survivability, or the need for better Restraints, is in Appendix A of the report.

How the Current System is Failing Skydivers

Although the factors cited in each of the accidents reviewed in The Special Investigation Report (SIR-08/01) are known, and recommended solutions have been implemented, accidents that are the result of the same factors persist. In reviewing each of the recommendations from the report it’s fairly clear why that is the case.

Mike Martin and Joshua Drablos
June 21, 2019 Oahu Parachute Center accident victims

Airworthiness Recommendations from the NTSB Report SIR-08/01

Recommendation A-08-063 was to improve the airworthiness of jump aircraft by requiring better aircraft maintenance. Requirements are accomplished through regulation. The FAA, the USPA, the drop zone operators, pilots and most skydivers know that regulations can be rather blunt instruments that can have unintended consequences. The NTSB classified A-08-063 as, “CLOSED - UNACCEPTABLE ACTION” because the FAA determined that increased regulation was not called for. They didn’t disagree that better maintenance is needed but they didn’t agree that more regulation was the answer.

Recommendation A-08-064 is the same as A-08-69. Both recommend the FAA and the USPA work together to improve the airworthiness of jump aircraft by developing and distributing “guidance materials to assist operators in implementing effective aircraft inspection and maintenance quality assurance programs”. The NTSB must have deemed the guidance materials provided by the joint efforts of the FAA and the USPA to be adequate. However, the investigation of the accident at the Oahu Parachute Center in 2019 revealed that the accident aircraft was not properly maintained or airworthy and that condition contributed to the eleven fatalities.

The guidance materials either weren’t adequate and / or the dissemination of those materials was ineffective in preventing the accident in Hawaii or any of the other eighty accidents that were the result of non-airworthy aircraft since 2008. In the accident report for the crash in Hawaii the NTSB failed to cite either of those two facts as being contributing factors for any of the eleven fatalities.

Recommendation A-08-069 is the same as A-08-64. In the USPA’s Official Correspondence dated April 7, 2011, Ed Scott, Executive Director wrote that the USPA, “. . . took some bold steps that went above and beyond the actions called for by A-08-09 (sic). As I expressed to you at the end of the NTSB hearing on September 16, 2008, USPA was going to use this opportunity to educate and assist our operators with meeting the aircraft inspection and maintenance requirements of the FAA. The cornerstone of our efforts included a revision to our program by which skydive operators affiliate with USPA. Affiliation now requires submittal of a new form that solicits information about the specific inspection program that each jump aircraft is subject to. Operator acceptance was universal. USPA is looking forward to advising the NTSB of our efforts with respect to Safety Recommendations A08-70, A-08-73, and A-08-74 which all await FAA publication of revised Advisory Circular 105-2D.”

The NTSB found that the USPA’s response was beyond what was recommended so they classified the recommendation as being, “CLOSED - EXCEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION”.

The acts of developing and distributing guidance materials, revising their programs, submission of the new form and universal acceptance by the operators failed to prevent the accident in Hawaii or any of the other eighty accidents that were the result of non-airworthy aircraft since 2008.

NTSB Recommendations to Affect Piloting in Report SIR-08/01

Recommendation A-08-065 seeks to improve piloting by requiring jump operators to develop initial and recurrent pilot training programs.

Recommendation A-08-066 seeks to improve piloting by requiring jump operators to develop initial and recurrent pilot testing in order to verify that piloting skills have been retained. The first sentence in Section 3, “Pilot Training and Proficiency Issues”, of the 2008 Special Report, the NTSB wrote:

“A disturbing common denominator in nearly all of the accidents reviewed is that the pilots, most of whom were commercial or airline transport pilots, were deficient in basic airmanship tasks.”

Initial and recurrent training and testing of pilot proficiency is needed. The facts associated with scores of fatal accidents clearly indicate that, but, as the FAA points out to the NTSB in their Official Correspondence included in the Recommendation, more regulation may not be.

Recommendation A-08-067 seeks to improve piloting by “revising the guidance materials contained in Advisory Circular 105 2C, Sport Parachute Jumping, to include guidance for parachute jump operators in implementing effective initial and recurrent pilot training.” AC 105 2D included advice to train and test pilot proficiency.

The pilot of the Beech King Air that crashed in Hawaii lacked training and proficiency so revision of the Advisory Circular didn’t have the desired effect on him or the Oahu Parachute Center drop zone operator or any of the drop zone operators whose operations were among the eighty accidents that were the result inadequate pilot training or proficiency since 2008.

Recommendation A-08-070 seeks to improve piloting by having the USPA distribute the revised Advisory Circular (105-2D) to their members and, “encourage adherence to its guidance”, “. . . in implementing effective initial and recurrent pilot training and examination programs.” In their Official Correspondence of February 13, 2012 the USPA stated that they complied with the recommendation by emailing the AC to its members and by publishing two articles on the subject in Parachutist Magazine. They wrote that the, “USPA has also urged operators to enhance their jump pilot training regimen and has developed and included in the 2011 USPA Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the Jump Pilot Training Syllabus additional guidance on pilot training and proficiency.” The NTSB found that the USPA’s response was beyond what was recommended so they classified the recommendation as being, “CLOSED - EXCEEDS RECOMMENDED ACTION”.

However, distributing the Advisory Circular and the other acts that the NTSB deemed in excess of the recommendation weren’t sufficient to have the desired effect on the pilot of the Beech King Air that crashed in Hawaii or the Oahu Parachute Center operator or any of the drop zone operators whose operations were among the eighty accidents that were the result of inadequate pilot training or proficiency since 2008.

NTSB Recommendations to increase FAA Oversight and Surveillance in SIR-08/01

Recommendation A-08-068 was to was to improve the airworthiness of jump aircraft by requiring the FAA to conduct “direct surveillance of parachute jump operators to include, at a minimum, maintenance and operations inspections.” Four of the twelve recommendations in the Special Investigation Report were for changes to regulations. Presumably the three recommendations that were classified as, “CLOSED - UNACCEPTABLE ACTION”, would have involved changes to 14 CFR Part 91. This one however was simpler and was accomplished through revision to Federal Orders 8900.1, “Flight Standards Information Management System,” Volume 6, Chapter 11, Section 5 and Order 1800.56, “National Flight Standards Work Program Guidelines”. In the accident report on the event in Hawaii, the FAA noted that other Federal Orders contradict the revised order intended to save skydivers' lives. Section 1.9.2, “Federal Aviation Administration Oversight” of the accident report, states, in part:

“Inspectors were to perform annual inspections for each parachute jump operation within a FSDO’s jurisdiction, including a parachute jump inspection and ramp inspections. The FSDO operations inspector who conducted these inspections at OPC stated that the surveillance activities that the FAA required for parachute jump operations were not extensive and that the FAA had limited oversight of those operations."

FAA Orders 8300.10 and 8700.1, Joint Flight Standards Information Bulletin for Airworthiness (FSAW 93-09) and General Aviation (FSGA 93-02), Parachutists Regulatory Status, dated January 25, 1993, stated the following:

"Federal Aviation Regulations dealing with sport parachute operations were promulgated primarily to ensure protection of other users of the National Airspace System and the general public from sport parachuting activities. It has been determined that parachute jumping is a sport activity and, as such, should be subject to the FARs only to the extent necessary to protect others . . . Aviation safety inspectors . . . having surveillance responsibilities of sport parachute activities should be aware that it is the FAA position that parachutists should not be considered passengers when evaluating the regulatory compliance status of such operations.”


This response is quite profound. This recommendation was classified as “CLOSED -ACCEPTABLE ACTION” and inspections have taken place since 2008. However, the FAA’s position, since 2019, at least, is that skydivers are not passengers. Therefor, the inspections and the added surveillance provided by the FAA, are NOT required to have the practical outcome envisioned by the NTSB’s recommendation.

NTSB Recommendations to Increase Survivability Through Improved Restraints in Report SIR-08/01

Recommendations A-08-071 , A-08-072 & A-08-073 are three of the subjects of the first section of Appendix A of the Special Investigation Report, SIR-08/01. A-08-071 and A-08-073 were both for conducting research to determine the most effective dual-point restraint systems for parachutists. A-08-072 recommended revising Advisory Circular 105-2C, Sport Parachute Jumping, to include guidance information about these systems.

Recommendation A-08-074 , the fourth subject of the first section of Appendix A, recommended that the USPA educate their members on the findings and encourage them to use the most effective dual-point restraint systems.

The second section of Appendix A of SIR-08/01 includes seven safety recommendations (three to the FAA and four to the USPA) regarding parachutists’ seating and restraints that were issued on February 17, 1994. As with the recommendations regarding restraints made fourteen years later, and with the advise and guidance and dissemination that has been provided to this day, many drop zones have still not realized the practical effects of what any of these recommendations were intended to provide. Skydivers at those drop zones are no more likely to survive crashes then they were twenty-eight years ago.

The images below are from Section, “3.1 Accident Survivability”, in the report for the crash in Sullivan, Missouri on July 29, 2006. The docket for that accident includes the injury report for the two survivors and the six who perished. Although the crash was survivable, with G forces peaking at 19.7, their injuries were very extensive. This was due to the fact that, although restrained, the single-point system that was used allowed, “harmful movement, such as large translational and rotational motion”. This type of restraint is still used in many skydiving aircraft, which is not the one that is described in great detail in Appendix 3 of the current Advisory Circular for Sport Parachuting, AC 105-2E.

Sullivan MI report figures 4 and 5
Figures 4 and 5 from July 29 2006 Sullivan Missouri accident report


Four Decades of Accidents, Reports and Recommendations

The accidents cited in SIR-08/01 happened up to forty-two years ago and many of the same recommendations that were made after those accidents were only reiterated in 2008 and have been unresolved for decades. It took almost seven years for all these recommendations to be “closed” and the NTSB considered the resolution for three of twelve to be “Unacceptable”.

History repeats itself. Specifically, the repetition is in the investigations and the responses to them by the FAA, the USPA and skydivers. The FAA’s response is consultation with the USPA, Advisory Circulars (which do not have the force of law) and increased surveillance, which has turned out to be ineffective and temporary. The historical response from the USPA is consultation with the FAA and attempts to influence the behavior of drop zone operators by disseminating safety information derived from the investigations. Historically, skydivers themselves have done nothing.

What if . . . ?

Since 1968 when the original Advisory Circular for Sport Parachuting was issued the USPA has tried to solve the problem with jump plane accidents from the top. They and the FAA have advised and guided and published articles and sent letters and emails to drop zone operators, pilots and skydivers for decades. Surely, that has had positive effect, but just as surely, those efforts have not been enough.

“Safety Culture” is a term that was first coined while investigating what happened at the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. It existed at refineries, the DuPont Company and elsewhere previously, but didn’t exist hardly anywhere in the Soviet Union at the time.

All truly successful drop zones have a thriving safety culture, an atmosphere where every jumper knows that safety is the most important concern for everyone and where every jumper is welcome to contribute to it. “Safety Climate” has the same meaning and is probably a better metaphor because it doesn’t blow in from Fredericksburg, VA or Washington DC. It’s always in the air in the hangars, the landing areas, on the runways and around the bon-fires in places like Mokuleia, Hawaii, Ridgely, Maryland and Sullivan, Missouri.

Normalization of Deviance is another concept and term that was first used while investigating a tragedy. Coincidentally that event happened in the same year as the Chernobyl meltdown. A sociologist came up with it while analyzing the Space Shuttle Challenger accident. In the Shuttle Program waivers and deviations became normal. The Commission who studied that accident determined that condition to be a proximate cause of the accident. That condition hasn’t been cited in any of these NTSB accident investigations. That could be because, despite the fact that safety is their primary concern, “safety culture”, for the conduct of skydiving and even flight operations can’t exist at the NTSB or the USPA.

The reason why that is true is simply to do with the definition of the term. A paper commissioned by the FAA titled, “The Safety Culture Indicator Scale Measurement System (SCISMS)”, provides one. The authors claimed that, “SCISMS has verified its utility and reliability as a system measurement tool”, so their definition has to be a pretty good. After all, you can’t apply metrics to something that isn’t well defined. Their definition of safety culture is necessarily long, but not complicated:

"Safety culture is typically defined as a group-level construct with various dimensions pertaining to the occupation studied. Safety culture has previously been defined as the enduring value and prioritization of worker and public safety by each member of each group and in every level of an organization. It refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to personal responsibility for safety; act to preserve, enhance and communicate safety information; strive to actively learn, adapt and modify (both individual and organizational) behavior based on lessons learned from mistakes; and be held accountable or strive to be honored in association with these values (von Thaden, Kessel & Ruengvisesh, 2008, adapted from Wiegmann, Zhang, von Thaden, Sharma & Mitchell, 2002:8). This definition combines key issues such as personal commitment, responsibility, communication, and learning in ways that are strongly influenced by processes instantiated by upper-level management, but also influence the behavior of everyone in the organization (cf. Wiegmann, et. al, 2004)."

NTSB Investigators and USPA Directors, in their roles as investigators and directors, don’t, “commit to a personal responsibility for safety”, at drop zones, because they physically can’t. They aren’t there. They can’t, “be held accountable or strive to be honored in association with these values.” As investigators and directors they aren’t members of the cultural group to whom they could be held accountable or by whom they could be honored. USPA directors are skydivers and when they are at a drop zone to jump they are absolutely a part of that drop zone’s safety culture, if there is one. As Directors they absolutely are not.

When the policies regarding the safety of flight operations are made solely by the owner, one pilot and the USPA Safety and Training Advisor, as is often the case, there is no safety culture. Three individuals, particularly those who have inherent conflicts of interest, shouldn’t be the only ones to establish a safety culture. At those drop zones all the skydivers rely on those three to make the right choices for everyone’s survival but unless everyone at risk actively participates in those decisions, the culture, if there is one, is established without them. Because of that, most drop zone’s flight operations programs would probably receive a very low grade as measured by SCISMS.

What if the drop zone owner, the one who signs the pledge with which he promises to follow the rules and operate safely, enlisted the help of well qualified volunteers to oversee their own safety? Nothing would be more likely to result in the safety culture that the owner should promote and embrace. The diligence that such a committee could apply could ensure that the sound recommendations of the NTSB and the FAA’s thoughtful advise was followed, without Federal regulation. Tens of thousands of USPA members would be the pool of vitally interested men and women willing to participate in such a program. Many hundreds among them are fully qualified to do so. Read the post, Proposal for Reform, for the thumbnail of the program.

Skydivers and the USPA need to finally get in front of this before another NTSB Special Report comes out, although it’s probably too late. Indications are that such a report is already being written. It will refer to all the accidents before and since 2008 and it will point out that past recommendations haven’t been effective. It may also recognize that since the invention of tandem equipment, skydiving has become an amusement available to young couples like Brian and Ashley Weike, who didn’t realize that they weren’t passengers on an airplane or that they shouldn’t have placed their trust in anyone at that drop zone or the USPA’s process for approving their affiliates.

Some of the authors might also have in mind the fact that many tandem pilots and even USPA Safety and Training Advisors are BASE jumpers. It’s highly doubtful that any inspector or writer employed by the NTSB regards BASE jumping, as safe or even rational, yet USPA membership, even employment and positions of authority, isn’t contingent on not engaging in highly unsafe behavior.

Since their report will include what happened in Hawaii in 2019 it will further document the deaths of Brian and Ashley, and others. At some point someone in authority will get it into his head that, for decades the USPA’s methods of dealing with this hasn’t worked. If fundamental changes aren’t undertaken, actual regulation will follow. Perhaps it should.

Ashley and Bryan Weike
Ashley and Bryan Weike

Recommendations and Advice Read More »

Owen Quinn seconds before leaping from the World Trade Center North Tower

BASE Jumping or Not

Owen Quinn seconds before leaping from the World Trade Center North Tower
Owen Quinn Temps Fate atop the World Trade Center North Tower in 1975

Reward: Fun, Notoriety, Companionship, . . .    Risk: THE WORLD

BASE Jumping Pros and Cons

A few brief points, pro et contra BASE jumping, are worth considering. The pro side includes fun, great excitement, mastery of a very fundamental fear, demonstration of great skill, self reliance and the companionship of others who share those values. Et contra is the risk of death, severe injury and the expense for the jumper, the first and second responders and the jumper’s family. One item is on both the pro and con lists; that’s the opportunity for notoriety via social media, Youtube views and monetization.

The pros are valuable although, except for the Youtube monetization, not quantifiable. Several of the cons on the other hand can be quantified. Since plenty of data is available on BASE jumping fatalities and severe injuries, actuarial information on the risks and some of the costs are known.

The Only Study

One study, available from the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information, is consistently cited in articles and other studies on the subject. It’s titled: “How dangerous is BASE jumping? An analysis of adverse events in 20,850 jumps from the Kjerag Massif, Norway”.

The authors are a surgeon, a pathologist and a scientist whose specialty is unspecified. They’re Norwegian and Danish. Their “Methods” were to, “review records of 20,850 BASE jumps from 1995 to 2005 at the Kjerag massif in Norway. Frequency of deaths, accidents, and involvement of helicopter and climbers in rescue were analyzed. Fatalities were scored for injury severity scores (Abbreviated Injury Scale score, Injury Severity Score, New Injury Severity Score) on autopsy.”

The results of the Norwegian study were: “During an 11-year period, a total of 20,850 jumps resulted in 9 fatal (0.04% of all jumps; 1 in every 2,317 jumps) and 82 nonfatal accidents (0.4% of all jumps; 1 in every 254 jumps).”

Over the same period covered by the study the United States Parachute Association reports 73 deaths and 28 million jumps from airplanes, which makes BASE jumping from the Kjerag massif in Norway 165 times more deadly than skydiving. It varies from year to year but an estimate of non-fatal accidents that require medical care from skydiving for experienced, male jumpers is about one injury for every 1300 jumps. Assuming BASE jumping from the Kjerag massif during the period of the study is still representative of BASE jumping elsewhere, non-fatal accidents that require medical care occur at a rate five times greater for BASE jumping than skydiving.

Owen Quinn at the point of no-return jumping off the World Trade Center North Tower in 1975
Owen Quinn at the point of no-return - the World Trade Center North Tower in 1975

Breaking it Down

Humans consistently and massively misjudge the risk of engaging in dangerous activities. In our example the first time you BASE jump from the Kjerag massif in Norway the odds of you dying are one in 2,317. If you do it twice the odds are therefor 2,317/2 or one in 1,158. The odds on the fourth jump is 597 to 1. That’s almost exactly the likelihood of a malfunction of a skydiver’s main canopy.

Three jumpers I know have three hundred BASE jumps each. At some point the risks are affected by mitigating factors but even so, by doing it three hundred times, the odds of life versus death that those three gentleman are facing are almost exactly the same as playing Russian roulette with an eight round revolver.

Be Rational

In a Sky News article titled, “ ‘Carnage’ as Wingsuit BASE Jumping Death Spree Reaches 20”’, the commander of the mountain rescue agency in Chamonix, Switzerland, Colonel Stephane Bozon, is quoted as saying: “It is a practice that frightens us … we must return to people behaving a little more rationally.”

The Colonel is right. His climbers, pilots and paramedics risk their lives to rescue and recover the remains of people who made a fundamentally irrational choice. Their families are stuck with having to tell people that their loved-one died doing something they loved, with all knowing that it wasn’t even remotely worth it.

If your thinking of trying BASE jumping or worse still, doing it repeatedly, please don’t. If you’ve done it already please be satisfied with the fact that you’ve tried it, but don’t put it on your resume or CV. Employers prefer workers with better judgment. And if you’re considering proposing marriage to an actuary, anyone on Colonel Bozon’s staff or any other subset of responsible and rational humans, don’t be surprised if they decline the risk.


BASE Jumping or Not Read More »

portion of group at airplane

Proposal for Reform

USPA Reformation Through:

Continuous Oversight, At No Cost, Through the Use of Highly Qualified Volunteers

Despite having knowledge of the incidents reported in the post, “Much is Awry in Ridgely”, the USPA Regional Director recommended Ben Harris, the owner of Skydive Chesapeake, for the position of S&TA at the drop zone. He got the job. Although every S&TA who derives income from the drop zone has to reconcile his interests as an independent Safety Officer with his role as a revenue and cost conscious employee or contractor, the conflict of interest at Skydive Chesapeake couldn’t be clearer, or more dangerous.

After the 2008 "Special Investigation Report", SIR-08/01, where the NTSB studied 32 fatal crashes, the Board concluded that more needed to be done regarding aircraft airworthiness, piloting, surveillance (by the FAA), and restraints (seat belts).

Regarding surveillance they recommended that the FAA conduct inspections of drop zones. After that the FAA, by Federal Order, did regular inspections but after the accident in Hawaii in June of 2019 where a non-airworthy King Air 65-A90 crashed killing ten skydivers and the pilot the FAA wrote in the Official Correspondence that their inspection wasn’t intended to uncover the deficiencies in that aircraft that contributed to the accident. They wrote that skydivers aren’t passengers and therefor the FAA’s responsibilities regarding passenger safety didn’t apply.

Since the FAA doesn’t regard skydivers as passengers, the only oversight relative to aircraft airworthiness by the USPA for Skydive Chesapeake is a one page form that the owner occasionally submits to them attesting to compliance to one of four Part 91 inspection criteria.

The owner of Skydive Chesapeake broke his Group Membership Pledge very shortly after signing it. The operator at Oahu Parachute Center also lacked the integrity to honor his. Should it be expected either would maintain a true safety culture without help and oversight?

2013 Skydive Delmarva Safety Day
Safety Committee Candidates At Safety Day

A cost free solution would be to enlist USPA members, of which there are 40,000, to provide some of that oversight. What if the USPA encouraged all Group Members to support the formation of safety committees staffed by volunteer USPA members at their drop zones? To qualify, committee members would have to be C or D license holders, pilots, A&Ps, FAA DARs or safety professionals. Another criteria would be that they not derive anything more than incidental income from the drop zone.

Places like Skydive Chicago or Perris have enough revenue to do most, if not all the things that USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook call for with paid staff members. For those drop zones the need for a committee of volunteers is less urgent but it would still have value and their role of oversight could still be vital. For operations like the Oahu Parachute Center or Skydive Chesapeake independent oversight is absolutely critical. Fulfilling specific, day-to-day functions and services at drop zones with revenue problems would allow them to go further toward optimizing procedures and equipment and thereby increasing safety.

New drop zones or ones that serve small markets are less likely to hire Jumpmasters, load masters, boarding escorts, landing monitors and all the other personnel to operate as safely as the manuals would have it. It is undeniable that they are also more likely to cut corners when it comes to safety. (Graphic evidence of that is provided with the picture at the top of this post.)

Group Membership Categorization

To mitigate the cost and alleviate the condition of more roles to fill than individuals to fill them a different organization is in order. What if there were two categories of USPA Group Members? One is a “Legacy” Group Member while the other is a “Committee” Group Member and the drop zone owner would choose the type.

The USPA’s Group Membership Manual would change to add a “Type of Group Membership” section, which would include the terms of the two categories.

Legacy Group Member

Operators who choose this category of Group Membership provide most or all of the functions and services called for in USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook with paid staff members. Functions and services called for in the Aircraft and Flight Operations manuals not carried out by paid personnel may be provided by qualified volunteers who are members of a formally recognized and instituted drop zone Safety Committee according to terms outlined in the following section; “Safety Committee Group Member”.

Safety Committee Group Member

These Group Members use qualified volunteers who are members of a formally recognized and instituted drop zone Safety Committee to provide some of the functions and services called for in USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook.

A True Safety Culture

In this system volunteers provide oversight. The cost to provide the functions and services called for in USPA’s Skydiving Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook is mitigated. Consequently, it will be expected and the Group Member Pledge will state, that the Group Member will do his best to provide every function and service called for in both manuals. In such a system, drop zones can be rated. Those who provide most or all of the safety related functions most or all of the time will be rated more highly than those that don't.

This new system calls for USPA members to be actively involved in the safety of every jump. They, in fact, will be elements of a working and ever present Safety Culture.

In a 2008 report titled, “The Safety Culture Indicator Scale Measurement System (SCISMS)”, the FAA states that Safety Culture is, “an enduring value”, common to, “each member of each group in every level of an organization. It refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to personal responsibility for safety; act to preserve, enhance and communicate safety information; strive to actively learn, adapt and modify behavior based on lessons learned from mistakes; and be HELD ACCOUNTABLE OR STRIVE TO BE HONORED in association with these values.

Drop zones are businesses. Currently, USPA license holders are not members of the organization to which the safety culture applies. They are customers. Safety is integral to business operations, not customer relations, so jumpers are NOT honored within the organization for association with the values stated in the definition. Safety Committees would consist of rank and file members of the jumping community whose efforts would be recognized daily and therefor honored.


1 Committee Membership
1.1 Open to C & D license holders, pilots, A&Ps, FAA DARs or safety professionals
1.2 Closed to professionals who derive more than incidental income from the drop zone operator.
2 Role of the USPA Safety and Training Advisor
2.1 The S&TA should advise the committee, attend the meetings and review their work but he doesn’t necessarily need to be a member or approve their activities.
3 Terms - Drop zone owners and committee members agree to the following terms.
3.1 Whistle Blower Protection
3.1.1 Suggestions to the Safety Committee can be submitted anonymously and by any customer of the drop zone.
3.1.2 Reprisals against USPA members for identifying valid safety deficiencies are prohibited.
3.1.3 Members of the committee can only be denied the drop zone’s business services for just cause, which needs to be put in writing.
3.2 Owner Protection from "Disgruntled Customers"
3.2.1 The committee must be unanimous in their decision in order for any condition or practice to be deemed unsafe or in need of correction.
3.3 Review of Certain non-financial Business Records (Property Lease)
3.3.1 The benefit of review of certain business records is illustrated by what happened on two consecutive Saturdays in 2021 at Skydive Chesapeake. The drop zone either didn’t have a lease or they had one that allowed others to use their facilities and landing area for purposes other than skydiving that put skydivers in danger. On March 20, 2021 the property owner was allowed to operate a welder in the packing loft while customers and children were present and parachutes were being packed. The following Saturday the owner had an event for which he used the parachute landing area for another aviation activity. The operators couldn't prevent him from displacing the landing area without lease terms that precluded such a disruption. For that day, the landing area, which was originally chosen for it's distance from obstacles was displaced to an adjacent, plowed field separated from the drop zone by power lines. These are examples of the "Normalization of Deviation" that an operation’s safety committee would scrutinize and prevent.
4 Function & Activities
4.1 Forum & voice for anyone’s criticisms, inquiries and suggestions regarding safety
4.2 Safety Audits
A Equipment: Aircraft Per FAR Part 91.409. Mock-ups, fuel stations, other equipment and facilities to standards.
B Personnel: Pilots - Verification that initial pilot training is complete and that testing of experienced pilots has been conducted according to the USPA’s Jump Pilot Training Syllabus. Credential verification
C Personnel: Skydiving Instructors - Verify that all are qualified and current.
D Personnel: Loadmasters, Jumpmasters and Ground Crew members - Verify Loadmasters and Jumpmasters are qualified and that all ground operations functions and services are fully and properly conducted according to the USPA Aircraft Operations Manual and the drop zone’s Flight Operations Handbook
E Procedures - Fueling operations, weight and balance for every flight, checklists, USPA Basic Safety Requirements compliance, aircraft emergency procedures, loadmaster and jump master responsibilities, proper use of restraints per AC 105-2E, gear checks, parachute landing procedures, off-field landings, ground crew procedures, boarding procedures
5 Accident and Incident Reports
5.1 Contribute to and assist in writing accident and incident reports and help to implement recommendations based on lessons learned.
6 Education
6.2 Qualify committee personnel and others to function in safety roles.
7 Oversight of any and all safety matters. Remain continuously vigilant!
There is no implication of which Group Membership category is better. The new or small operation markets themselves as being a product of a safety culture that includes everyone. The established, prosperous drop zones stand on their record and demonstrate their commitment to safety by hiring professionals to fill every requirement. Either way, customers, the FAA, the NTSB, OSHA, parents, wives and everyone else who cares, sees qualified skydivers focused on everyone’s safety.

Whistle Blower Protection

From the points made in previous posts in this blog, particularly those concerning conflicts of interest, it’s clear that when it comes to safety oversight, the current methods are insufficient. The NTSB has learned, and the record indicates, that there are a lot of cracks through which a resource limited, overworked or unscrupulous operator could pass. Currently, if a regular skydiver sees an operator ignoring, or worse, exploiting such a crack he’s on his own. A Safety Committee, operating with the full cooperation of the owner, would give anyone with a concern someone to go to.

The USPA does have a whistle blower policy. It is Appendix B of the Governance Manual. It covers directors, officers, employees and contractors of the Organization, not members.

It is Viable

This is viable. Americans volunteer more than almost any society in the world. Drop zones are quite representative of the country so there won’t be a shortage of people who want to join the committee. Ben Harris, Skydive Chesapeake’s co-owner, wrote that there needs to be a divide between his operation and the community. Every community affected by his operation including skydivers, the drop zone’s neighbors, the town of Ridgely, the aviation community in general and even Harris’ own interests stand to benefit from such a reform.

Proposal for Reform Read More »

clouds on 4 sides

Deviations at the USPA?

Chapter 3 and Afterword

USPA Notification of Safety Issues at Skydive Chesapeake

If Harris had sent the outline as he said, he could not have explained things as I would have. On April 13th I sent an email to Ron Bell, United States Parachute Association Director of Safety and Training. Attached to the email was a letter that provided that context. This was the contact with the USPA that Harris was referring to in the April 30th phone call that established me as a whistle blower. (If he hadn’t falsely claimed to have sent my concerns to the USPA, that contact would have happened differently.)

With what happened on March 20th and the following Saturday it became clear that I was being treated as a whistle blower. That was never my intention but once that had been established it had to be coldly accepted. The reprisals have done damage and continue to do so.

Response From the Local S&TA

John Williams, who was Skydive Chesapeake’s S&TA at the time, went to their Safety Day on April 3. If I hadn’t sent the outline to him eleven days before he wouldn’t have known that they were operating with more jumpers than available seat belts. In a phone call on April 2nd he said to me operating with fewer seat belts than occupants was a violation of Federal Aviation Regulation § 91.107 (a) (3) - - Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems.

The next day he told Harris and Derbak the same thing. They had been caught, but without consequence. At the presentation on Safety Day the assembly was told that from that day forward they would not fly with more than eight jumpers. I don’t know if the zero tolerance policy for sexual assault was offered by the same presenter.

Response From the National Office

Throughout early and mid-April Mr. Bell was unavailable so my “case” was heard by Shauna Finley, USPA’s Eastern Region Director. She agreed that if I had the facts right Harris’ and Derbak’s actions were corrupt. When Bell read my letter and after he heard my side of the story he too was sympathetic. But he and Finley also repeatedly pointed out that if Harris and Derbak didn’t want my business, for any reason, they didn’t have to let me jump there. In fact, each time the question of what was ethically right was put to either of them, that was their ultimate answer.

No Follow-Up

Vindication about the seat belts wasn’t acknowledged by Bell or Finley.

The USPA’s Group Membership Manual includes the “Group Member Pledge”. The first bullet point says that the Group Member pledges to comply with the Federal Aviation Regulations. Seat belts for everyone is one of them. Were they sanctioned or disciplined for breaking their pledge according to the USPA governance rules?

The question about overloading the aircraft hasn’t been answered by anyone either, although the pilot should have been able to resolve that question instantly. According to the USPA’s “Skydiving Aircraft OPERATIONS MANUAL” weight and balance is supposed to be calculated for every flight.

My outline included this table in which I calculated that the airplane was overloaded. If I’m right that is an extremely important matter particularly if the pilot hasn’t practiced engine out procedures. Did Finley or Bell determine that I was wrong and if so how?

estimated and unverified Piper Navajo load table
estimated and unverified Piper Navajo load table March 20, 2021

Harris and Derbak must have offered an explanation other than reprisal for blowing a whistle that shouldn’t have been blown. What is it? I’m in the Eastern Region so Finley is my Regional Director too. I’d like to be able to refute what Harris might have said about me. Not for the purpose of allowing me to keep jumping at the drop zone I helped form, but for the sake of my reputation.

The Owner is His Own Safety Officer

In the mean time Ben Harris has been made Skydive Chesapeake’s Safety and Training Advisor!

According to the USPA’s web page on Safety and Training Advisors Regional Directors appoint the S&TAs who are selected by the drop zone owner. In section 1-4 4.A.1.a.: “Regional Directors”, USPA’s Governance Manual directs that the S&TA can only be the drop zone owner if no one else is available. There are several highly qualified individuals practically in residence at Skydive Chesapeake. Since there is proof that Harris’ and Derbak’s operation has violated at least one Federal Regulation and USPA’s Group Member Pledge, Harris’ recommendation for his own appointment should have been summarily rejected.

Potential conflicts of interest abound:
  1. After I informed John Williams, the previous Safety and Training Advisor, that the drop zone’s primary aircraft was occasionally loaded with more jumpers than seat belts, he insisted the practice stop. By then it had persisted for over four months. Now, Ben the Operator, who allowed pilots to violate regulations, is the S&TA. There’s plenty of evidence to support me about Harris’ and Derbak’s proclivities toward deviance. It’s the perfect example of why owners should not receive appointments to serve as their own safety officers. This particular one has demonstrated a willingness to violate the regulations and deviate from the USPA’s own guidelines.
  2. According to the web site, USPA Safety and Training Advisors are selected by drop zone owners and appointed by the Regional Director. The Governance Manual says selection of the S&TA is done "in consultation" with the owner. Either way the owner gets to choose. Safety is often, maybe always, the first thing to be neglected when expenses need to be cut. An owner who makes safety optional based on cost isn’t going to recommend a safety officer who deems it to be essential, regardless of cost, yet the appointment process for S&TAs allows the owner that choice.
  3. Mr. Bell and Ms Finley accrue status and income in direct proportion to their activities at USPA affiliate drop zones. Bell has taught courses at Skydive Chesapeake and presumably will continue to do so. Both have to get along with the managers and operators of drop zones. “Getting along” is the operative and subjective phrase when it comes to whether or not interests conflict.
  4. In the current system, many S&TAs have the same conflicts that Ron Bell and the Regional Director have. They are professionals that need drop zone owners for their livelihoods. If the S&TA disagrees with the owner about any particular safety concern or equipment deficiency, that isn’t addressed in a timely manner, he runs the risk of irritating his employer. Everyone knows why that that can be bad for the employee.
  5. Finley and Bell both know that a USPA member has blown the whistle on a USPA affiliated drop zone. Neither have told the whistle blower that he is wrong. In fact the last time I spoke to either of them was in May, 2021, the day before Bell met with Harris and Derbak at Skydive Chesapeake to discuss my concerns. Since then I have not heard a word.
Chris Derbak and Ben Harris
Chris Derbak and Ben Harris

That compelling article in the September, 2020 issue of “Parachutist” was titled, “September 10, 1995 - A Tragic Case of Normalization of Deviance”. The author is Jim Crouch, former USPA Director of Safety and Training. Ches Judy, another former S&T Director died in the crash that was the subject of the article. (John Judy, Ches’ son, is one of the most talented skydivers on the planet.) Shouldn’t the United States Parachute Association review its policies? If these practices have been normalized, the Deviation Spiral is turning in that organization as well.

Deviations at the USPA? Read More »

Skydive Chesapeake Navajo pilot

Much is Awry in Ridgely

Chapter 2

The Whistle is Unintentionally Blown

So why, after all my support, would all these charges suddenly be brought against me? The answer is, Normalization of Deviation has been established at Skydive Chesapeake and I, “had overstepped a divide between operational matters and community involvement”, by privately pointing it out.

March 20th, 2021

The jump on February 25th wasn’t the only one that included more jumpers than seat belts and people climbing out of pilot seats. My second jump on Saturday, March 20th, my last at Skydive Chesapeake, also included those elements.

pilot and skydiving instructor at Skydive Chesapeake taking a risk
Pilot and Skydiving Instructor at Skydive Chesapeake Deviating from Normal

Both jumps that day were to practice AFF exits. The first one was with three instructors and two videographers.

(A link to that video is here and it includes graphics and countdowns intended to illustrate jump run distances over the ground and times to exit for our group and the one before. Those features in the video were to help the pilot and jumpers realize just why so many jumpers were landing off the field, which happened more than once on many of the days I was there. Once, the whole load landed quite far from the field, after dark. My wife and I were one of several rescue parties. I had to knock on a neighbor’s door for permission to drive on his farm. He offered to help and was kind enough to let us use his truck.)

My group on the second jump that day was me and a very experienced jumper, one with well over 10,000 jumps. This time, the skydiver in the co-pilot's seat was Joe Manlove, the drop zone’s 1st jump course instructor. We had to go around for a second jump run because the pilot overshot the spot. At one point during the go-around I happened to be looking forward as Joe struggled to get out of his seat.

Since I was the second jumper to board, I sat on the starboard side all the way forward with my back to the co-pilot seat. Five jumpers were on my side of the aircraft which only had four seat belts. I tried to share my belt with the 10k jump guy but it was not long enough to do so. Turning to my right gave me an unobstructed view of the pilot as he waited for the others to board. The jumper with whom I was unable to share a belt, is a commercial pilot with a multi-engine rating and thousands of PIC hours flying jumpers. Like me, he was far enough forward to be able to speak to the pilot.

After getting settled he turned to the pilot and said, “You know, you’ll have your hands full with an engine-out.”

The young pilot, a Russian named Alex, looked to him with worry, if not fear in his eyes, and said, “Tell me about it.”

His expression did not convey confidence. Looking into his eyes I recalled another incident with him that chilled me.

Loss of Control

On December 11, 2020, during the first load at the drop zone for the Piper PA31-310 Navajo (N6719L), Alex lost control of the airplane. The ride to altitude that day was erratic. We didn’t climb out aggressively but rather seemed to float at times and bank and pitch excessively. The motion made me airsick. I didn’t vomit but I was on the edge.

On jump run when Alex lit the light telling the jumper in the back to open the door, he couldn’t. The cord used to release the door to close it had been mis-routed. Alex took both hands off the yoke to try to clear the cord and lost control of the airplane. Derbak shouted in a loud and very urgent tone, “Fly the f__king airplane!!” Control was quickly regained but not before we pitched sharply and banked enough to make all who weren't seated have to brace. I fell against the port side of the plane.

First Group of Skydivers to Jump From Skydive Chesapeake's Navajo
First Group of Skydivers to Jump From Skydive Chesapeake's Navajo

Eventually someone in the back was able to clear the cord and open the door. I’ve never been more happy to leave an airplane. The others felt the same. One of them, a friend from the old days who had just completed a recurrency jump with me, hasn’t been back because of what happened.

The current FAA Advisory Circular for Sport Parachuting, 105-2E, was issued after the NTSB published a landmark report in 2008. That report, NTSB/SIR-08/01, looked at a number of causes for fatal aircraft accidents, one being pilot proficiency. The AC called for pilot training and review of procedures, including exits, before flying with customers. It didn’t seem like Alex, or anyone else at the drop zone, was aware of the Advisory Circular or the landmark report.

The Ill Fated outline

With that event in mind as we taxied to the runway on March 20th I considered the facts and a few frightening possibilities. First was the possibility that we were overloaded and in the hands of a sketchy pilot. Then I thought of how far I was from the door, engine failures are quite possible in old airplanes with piston engines and a number of other questionable practices that had become pretty standard in the previous few months. I decided then to do something else to improve matters and the next day I made an outline. It included fifteen items. Some are non-urgent equipment or operational improvements. Others were significant safety issues. As it turned out at least one is a Federal violation.

Since my assistance had been very freely accepted up until then, on literally dozens of matters, I assumed it would be welcomed on matters concerning safety. The last paragraph of the outline, which was four pages, read, “Since the drop zone is new, some procedures and habits are yet to be established. It’s understandable that conditions that are less than ideal may linger. Some that remain can lead to worse consequences than others. By pointing them out, even minor ones, I hope to help the drop zone succeed and thrive.

The First Reprisals, Suspension and False Accusations

That outline, which was sent to Ben Harris on March 23rd, was the action that brought on the viscous attacks on my character and the suspension. The letter of suspension said it was about “misconduct involving verbal altercations on March 20” but the actual reason really couldn’t be more obvious. I had challenged Harris and Derbak on important matters and they took offense. The suspension was clearly a reprisal for citing safety issues and offending their pride.

Harris wrote back on the 24th simply saying, “I shared this with John and Troy. Thanks for the input we’ll talk more this weekend if you are around.” Thanking me led me to believe that he was accepting my input as intended. His thanks was a ruse.

To my knowledge our Safety and Training Advisor, John Williams, had not been to the drop zone since it opened but for protocol I sent the outline to him too. Williams’ absence was one of the items in my list.

The following Saturday, March 27, as my wife and I prepared to enjoy a Saturday at the drop zone with friends, Harris asked me to follow him into a storage room. Derbak was there with another jumper who is listed with the USPA as an S&TA along with Williams. He told my wife the week before that he was no such thing, and he was emphatic about it. That’s why I didn’t send the outline to him.

Harris was cold and angry. Derbak was furious. Harris paged through the outline in less than a minute. He said none of the points were valid. Putting it aside he then told me that I was suspended from the property for thirty days and my ratings would never be used there. He explained that the incidents that involved confronting staff members were about what happened the previous week when he wasn’t there. Despite that, he didn’t want to hear my side of that story.

Of course, this was grossly unfair, but then he brought up the other revelations about the customers, students and sexual assaults. Derbak nodded and supported Harris throughout the brief meeting. Lastly, Harris proclaimed that he had sent my outline to the USPA. If they had a problem with what I had brought up they would let him know.


On April 30, before returning from the suspension, I sent an email to Harris, Derbek, Manlove and Max Sivohins, the drop zone’s third partner, asking for clarification of the probation process and asking for a meeting and reconciliation. Harris called within hours to tell me that I was permanently banned from the drop zone. His stated reason was that I had informed the USPA and the FAA about unsafe practices.

I blew the whistle. Whether or not it should have been blown had nothing to do with it.

On May 7th I sent an email to the drop zone and copied Ron Bell, USPA’s Director of Safety and Training and Shauna Finley, their Eastern Region Director. Unlike the suspension, the reason for this action was not put in writing, which isn't surprising. Harris couldn't say before witnesses the real reason for his actions, much less make a record of them. Bell and Finley knew what was going on yet neither intervened.

Skydive Chesapeake's C-182
From the step on Skydive Chesapeake's C-182

Few have asked about what happened or why I haven’t been around. Naturally that’s disappointing but since my reputation is an important concern, regardless of friendships, I’m compelled to tell my side of the story. Ethics and safety are important too and those subjects are also part of this. The “divide” Harris alluded to, not the confrontation or sexual assaults, or anything else, is the reason for the suspension and the permanent ban.

Summarizing Some of What's Awry in Ridgely

The sort of operation that Ben Harris and Chris Derbak manage requires such a division. Without it, violating regulations has consequences because operational and moral deviance can be scrutinized. In his letter of suspension Harris wrote, “Our unique industry requires a certain degree of separation between operational matters and community involvement.” It’s his unique operation that requires such separation, not our industry. All industries maintain some separation from their communities, but skydiving is special for the opposite reason. To be safe, skydiving operations require diligent, constant customer involvement.

Jumpers are responsible for their own safety and their actions can affect others; in the plane, in freefall and on the ground. Skydiving operations should be very much a part of every jumper’s business and operators should promote a safety culture where “community involvement” is welcome. Such an environment doesn’t exist at Skydive Chesapeake.


Much is Awry in Ridgely Read More »

deviation spiral over Chris Derbak

Deviance at Skydive Chesapeake

Foreword & Chapter 1

Normalization of Deviance at NASA

“Normalization of Deviance” is a phrase coined by a sociologist in her analysis of the Space Shuttle Challenger accident. I was at Port Canaveral that day and I was on the Cape the day after helping to investigate another failure. Ours took place on the Air Force Station hours after the tragedy and it was related to it. After that magnificent machine and the souls aboard it fell from a brilliant Florida sky all of us who lived on the Space Coast were in shock.

In the Shuttle Program waivers and deviations became normal. That day and the lessons from it still affect me.

At Skydive West Point in 1995

A compelling article in the September 2020 issue of Parachutist cites Normalization of Deviance as a contributing factor in a crash in 1995 that took the lives of ten skydivers and two others. The scene pictured here was in late February, 2021 during jump run on my last jump of the day at Skydive Chesapeake in Ridgely, Maryland. The same number of skydivers are aboard the aircraft in this image as were on the Queen Air in 1995. Another element from this scene that both events have in common is that both include skydiving operations that deviated from normal. One similarity that the recent event doesn’t share with the one in 1995 is that the deviation from safe operation that occurred at Skydive Chesapeake in 2021 was completely intentional.

Chris Derbak in skydiving gear and seated in co-pilot's position
Chris Derbak in Co-pilot's Seat in an aircraft with fewer seat belts than occupants. (Click for the video of the scene.)

At Skydive Chesapeake in 2021

Here, Chris Derbak, one of Skydive Chesapeake’s co-owners is engaged in behavior that clearly deviates from normal. The aircraft is a Piper PA31-310 Navajo (N6719L) and Chris, who is about to jump out behind the others, is in the co-pilot’s seat. He’s not there to help fly the plane. He’s there because if he were in the back with the other jumpers the plane would have tipped, striking the tail on the taxiway as the last jumper boarded.

There are only eight seat belts on the floor behind Chris and the pilot but there were ten jumpers on the load. If Chris was in the back, he and one other skydiver would not have had a seat belt of their own. In that respect he is safer where he is.

On the other hand, Chris is a fairly large fellow who is about to get out of a tight space surrounded by critical controls and important switches. That circumstance is at least slightly dangerous as well. Furthermore, if a heavily loaded twin engine aircraft with anyone other than an expert pilot lost an engine, seat belts might have only made a frantic exit more difficult. Just like NASA and Challenger, deviations from normal (safe) skydiving operations lead to unsafe practices. In this case, several.

Deviation Spiral and Skydive Chesapeak staff member

My Interest in Establishing the Business

I was really looking forward to a drop zone just 25 minutes from my house in my retirement.

My efforts to establish the drop zone included facilitating the introduction of the Ridgely Airpark owner to Ben Harris, one of three owners and managers of the business. In December of 2019 I made a presentation to the Ridgley, Maryland Town Council about the benefits to the town. Between January and March of 2020 I helped refurbish the building working mostly with Harris and another old-timer, Ben Wong, but often I was alone. The work included planning, demolition, framing, concrete work, window restoration and rebuilding, wiring, installing fixtures, installing and finishing drywall and painting. In the Fall I helped install HVAC system components. It was over 105 man hours. Opening day was a dream come true for me and Harris. Harris invited Ben Wong and me to make the first jump with him. It’s on Youtube at day

Harris asked for invoices so he could submit them with his loan application for proof of his investment. As it turned out, the only commitment or investment those invoices established was mine.

Our Advocacy and Support

My wife and I were advocates and ambassadors and I was a very regular customer. My efforts to make it better continued after the opening by posting numerous Youtube videos of jumpers in freefall, retrieving items of value from Skydive Delmarva prior to it’s demolition, compiling a shot list for the tandem videos, creating a 3D model for a Piper Navajo mock up, and arranging for the procurement of thousands of dollars in lockers.

My wife and I were frequent participants in search parties needed to retrieve jumpers who landed off the field, including one after dark. Off field landings were so frequent, I prepared an aerial image which included all public and private roads, driveways and field access routes that could be used to search for our friends and other customers. (The double white lines on my map are public roads and the single white lines indicate every private driveway and access road within a mile-and-a-half of the airport. We’ve been on every one of them!)

Skydive Chesapeake aid for searchers
Search Party Aid


Our advocacy waned a little as some bad habits and practices became normal but I continued to hope, that in time, it would get better.

So on the last Saturday in March, 2021 when I was told that I was “suspended” for arguing with staff members, offending customers, inappropriate conduct with students and sexual harassment or assault I was completely surprised and for a few hours, utterly devastated.

Harris and Derbak weren’t forthcoming with any details but they did say that the sex offense was based on the harassment or assault of a US Naval Academy Team member.

That would make her, or him, young enough to be my grandchild.

Except for the one about confronting staff members, which was due to yet another bad spot and a bizarre and dangerous incident in the packing loft the week before, all of these so-called offenses are patently false. The sexual charge, if not due to some mistake, yet to be acknowledged, is defamatory, slanderous and utterly despicable. This is the accusation that was intended to do the most damage to my reputation.

None of these misdeeds had been mentioned previously by Harris, Derbak, any customer, any student or any Midshipman. No lawyer, the police, the Naval Academy nor any aggrieved victim, parent, spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend has contacted me about any sexual offense. Of course not. It never happened.

If they happened, all these infringements happened within a ten day period between March 10th and March 20th. I know this because on the tenth Harris posted a notice, asking for anyone interested in attending an AFF course at Skydive Chesapeake. He did so at my request and in my presence because I was working on the rating for use at his drop zone. I was also practicing to be one of his videographers and nearly through with those qualifications.

Facebook post about AFF course at Skydive Chesapeake
Facebook post about AFF course at Skydive Chesapeake

It’s possible the allegation of sex crimes is a case of mistaken identity so I contacted the team’s coach. He said no such complaint had been lodged. I also spoke with the team Captain when she and I were at another drop zone a few weeks after the meeting with Harris and Derbak. She too had no knowledge of it. If it were true the Coach and the Captain would have known and neither would have said otherwise. They wouldn’t have given me any details but they wouldn’t have said they knew nothing of it. Their honor and oaths would not have allowed it.

On April 1 Harris offered a formal letter of suspension that cited only one specific reason which was the one about confronting staff members. He wrote, “that I had overstepped a divide between operational matters and community involvement”, but that, “the time and efforts expended on our behalf is deeply appreciated“.

If deep appreciation comes with attempts to ruin a person’s reputation I shudder to think what Derbak and Harris would stoop to if they were ungrateful!

Safety Day 2021 at Skydive Chesapeake was the second Saturday of my suspension. Derbak surprised everyone by abruptly announcing that Skydive Chesapeake’s policy from then on would be zero tolerance for sexual crimes and offenses. I've been "me tooed" by a pair of middle-aged men.

Deviance at Skydive Chesapeake Read More »